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Sober day one…

I made a decision to quit alcohol.  I have wanted to for years, mostly because it doesn't really serve me to grow and achieve goals I need to set for myself.  In fact, it keeps me from creating goals and lowers my day to day energy. I never really stopped to examine...

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Getting past “the stuck”

Ever get to a point in life where you are just... stuck?  Mentally, physically, emotionally.... just.... STUCK... I have been there a few months now.  And I have to say, being stuck changes with age and circumstance.   It's not the same for everyone, and it's not the...

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How toxicity bleeds…

In the last few years, I have been involved in some group situations and I have seen how people operate.  For the most part, people are lovely; no issues, everyone wants to get along and have a good time. But then there are the few... Decades ago, I started working in...

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When the fog has lifted…..

Have you ever had someone so much in your head that you can't think? Only, they have been in your head so long you didn't realize it wasn't your voice anymore, but you didn't realize it? This year I have done a lot of reflecting and I'm realizing the messages that I...

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Bless and Release!

There are times in your life when you have to take stock of who you are giving your energy to. Yesterday was an awesome (and sad day) because I realized that someone I thought was a friend was acting alternatively behind my back and projecting negativity to others in...

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Bi Polar Day

Yesterday was a whole ass bi-polar day.  The last few days I have been struggling with a knot in my stomach (aka anxiety) and it's been building.  This time of year is hard regardless, but with what I have been through this year, including but not limited to a few...

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The things you learn…

I haven't been writing consistently in quite a while.  Many years back, I vowed to do a blog post a day...and I did... for a few years.  It was easy, because I had stuff on my mind that was quick to "put to paper"... But somehow, I became a little disenchanted after a...

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Upward and Forward

This past year, I have barely written...actually maybe last few years.  I have gotten pummeled by life on an emotional level and shut myself down so much that I didn't want to write my truth for fear of hurting others.  But alas, the words are bubbling up as I have...

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God is good and we are blessed

It really is the simplest of things that make me take pause and a moment of appreciation for the beauty that surrounds us everywhere. I once said that I don’t like getting flowers as a gift because they die but I shot myself in the foot on that one. I don’t care if...

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Experimenting with chocolate chip cookie recipes…

Experimenting with chocolate chip cookie recipes… The thick ones in the back are called bakery style chocolate chip cookies and the one in the front is a brown butter chocolate chip cookie. Totally opposite versions of the same beloved cookie. I handed some out...

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Groups are getting bigger …

Groups are getting bigger … Tomorrow is moms farewell … tomorrows gathering will be the grand finale … enjoying the catch up time with sibs and friends!!!

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Fun fact… as I saw this picture,

Fun fact... as I saw this picture, memories came flooding back and not in a good way... more of a "this is what my mother had to deal with having me as a child"sort of way.....   In this image you see my mom likely in her late thirties (ish)... snazzy outfit, probably...

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I need to talk about the power of friendship…

I need to talk about the power of friendship… I have known this girl since about 14 years of age. We don’t see each other on the daily but we are friends through life. She was very much immersed in my family as I was growing up knowing both my mother and my father, my...

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