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There are times in your life when you have to take stock of who you are giving your energy to. Yesterday was an awesome (and sad day) because I realized that someone I thought was a friend was acting alternatively behind my back and projecting negativity to others in my circle. I wasn’t terribly surprised but I was sad and had a good long “think” about it. Recently, I heard the term, “Bless and Release”…
Sometimes we hold on to people for nostalgic reasons, but the truth is they may not bring anything new to the table. In those instances, there is no harm/no foul… But when they start draining your energy in ways as little as showing you that you are no longer any sort of priority in their life…it’s time to make the hard choices and let go…
I have access to so many people, and because I write and throw myself out there, I either help others or become a target. I choose to write anyway… but what I am learning over time is to hone in more on those who are “slow leaks” in my soul. This last year has been a DOOZY and it’s made me sit back and assess a lot more carefully than in the past. I have given too many hall passes to people who don’t really show me they are any more than someone wanting to use my time against me… I can’t do that anymore.
I have been fortunate to be surrounded by some amazingly strong friends who have let me be totally vulnerable in front of them. I broke down before them in the face of judgment and they showed me nothing but grace. They lifted me up off my knees, dusted me off, handed me a tissue, and offered me a hug and a safe place to fall… THOSE are the people I choose to be with and they have set the bar VERY HIGH in my life – it’s because of them, I realize what I want and I see what I no longer need.
Yesterday, when I was faced with adversity, I realized it didn’t hit me as deep as it once would have. I was literally able to stand back and say, “Huh…that’s interesting”. I was also able to see where I came from and that I used to spin like that and now that I see it from the outside, I feel so at peace knowing how far I have come.
I still have a long way to go, but giving myself permission to let go of what no longer serves me propelled me forward in a good way.
I’m thankful for the shoulders of those who let me snivel as I worked through finding my way. For Christmas, they should expect tissues from me for reimbursement of what they have offered.
I can only hope I return the favor down the road, if not to them, then to someone in need whom I can pay it forward.
Here is your message to let go of what no longer serves you. You will be dumping the weight off your shoulders, freeing yourself from burdens you don’t need to carry. And also, make sure you are surrounded by those who will lift you up. Makes a world of difference!!

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