Waiting to seize the moment
Y'all... I'm sitting here on my couch with my knee in a leg brace, angry that I am in the pain I'm in. My left leg has been a little twitchy (hard to explain), but yesterday, out of nowhere, the pain intensified and I am now hobbling around my house, keeping my leg...
Dumbfounded and heartbroken
This morning I opened facebook to see that a very sweet girl that we knew passed away at the age of 14. It's been years since we have seen her, so I didn't know she was sick, but to see she had passed was like a gut punch to my soul. Having two girls of my own, I...
Letting go
This year I am focused on growing and moving toward a better version of myself. There is no guide book in life, although there are literally millions of self help books if you are so inclined to purchase and hopefully find the answers to what you are looking for. ...
New Year, New you … 2025 edition
Well, it's New Years day.... The time of year that we put the old to rest and promise life anew! Most of us don't really follow through on it...at least not for more than 6 weeks, but the intention is there so we make the promises to ourselves, dive in and hope for...
Trying to find holiday joy…
Anyone who knows me...like really knows me, knows I am not a fan of the holiday season... it's like a season of forced buying, fake happiness and follyday joy... ain'tnobodygottimeforthat.... The struggle is real y'all!! I DO like that it's a once a year check in with...
What is your rock bottom?
Life is full of ups and downs and ebb and flow... Nothing ever lasts forever so if you are riding on the crest of a wave, enjoy the ride... and if you are scraping the bottom of the barrel, time will pass and you can pick yourself back up. The longer I live the more...

Mom of two grown ass girls and married to a short guy who is funny and cooks really well! I’m a photographer by trade, so you can say I’m a bit “peopley”. My favorite sessions are the one on ones where I just get to chat and find out about my clients. I’m blessed with what I get to do every day! Blessed by the support of my husband and kids, and blessed by the ongoing support and encouragement of my friends who are always lifting me up.