by catsdailytangent | Jan 6, 2022 | Connecting, Covid-19, Faith, Family, Friends, Goals, Let Go Let God, Me, Photography, Pushing My Bounderies, Random Stuff, Stress, Time for myself, Time Management, Travel
Well, I wish more people knew about my blog since this is where I will be posting my thoughts until I’m out of Facebook Jail. Can someone PLEASE take me back to 2019 when I could be sarcastic with people and actually LAUGH? This last two years is a complete...
by catsdailytangent | Jan 1, 2022 | Covid-19, Family, Friends, Goals, Let Go Let God, Parenting, Photography, Pushing My Bounderies, Random Stuff, SAHM, Time for myself, Time Management, Travel
Here it is… that moment of self reflection on the last day of the year. As everyone is looking forward to the New Year, I believe it’s the same every year that we hope the crap of the year will be left behind and the new will rise like a phoenix, out of...
by catsdailytangent | Feb 19, 2021 | Connecting, Covid-19, Let Go Let God, Me, Parenting
With all that is going on in the world, I can’t tell you how many people are disappointed in life. Not just their life, but life in general. I get it, and I feel it. With political divide growing, a never ending pandemic, crazy weather in Texas that has never...
by catsdailytangent | Feb 2, 2021 | Covid-19, Faith, Let Go Let God, Stress
You ever stop and think about how crappy this last year has been? I’m pretty sure if you have a pulse, you have. Every day feels like another day closer to “hopefully soon this will be behind us…” (And just in case you have been under a rock,...
by catsdailytangent | Jan 18, 2021 | Covid-19
The last few weeks have been one step forward, two steps back. I started walking regularly to work off “the Covid 19” then my back went out. I have spent the last week sitting mostly (okay so that feels like five steps back). Today I was able to get out...
by catsdailytangent | Jan 7, 2021 | Covid-19, Food
gaining the Covid 10, then 15, then 19 and more from there but I quit counting. This week I decided to get out and walk as much or little as possible but just freaking WALK!! It’s amazing to me the emotional roller coaster these last 10 months have been…It...