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Anatomy of a squirrel

Yesterday I was at a photo session and I had a major epiphany about my life! I was shooting and looking at these adorable boys and I looked up and saw Pelicans flying in formation. I instantly pointed my camera and started taking pictures of the Pelicans and then...

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Oh me oh my…..

Okay, so I have created a few different blogs.  I'm so random, I can't stick to one.  But yesterday I get a message from one of my besties and lifelong friends that, in her sleep she has created a blog for me! I gotta be honest, I wasn't really sure what she meant. ...

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This and that

Already a harried morning.  I’m wrapping up some projects and realized I wasn’t even close to being done.  More pictures needed.  So I had to run off to the dance studio to take some headshots. Part of being a dance “family” is the comfort level of all the people you...

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About Me

About Me

I am a mom and a Photographer and a Weight Watchers Leader. My goal in writing this is to share that many of us have the same issues in life. We're all doing our best to get through it all!!! Occupation: Photographer and Weight Watchers Leader Favorite Movies: French...

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Chicken soup prevails!!!

Another day; another sick kid!  Okay…same sick kid, but you know what I mean! She is definitely on the upswing; but let me tell ya….my week is shot to you know what!! Anything I had planned had to be rearranged, or all together ditched.  And though I’m letting her...

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Decisions decisions…..

Another morning with chicken soup for breakfast.  We are definitely on the mend, but I would put her at 70% and no more.  I’m not sure school is in her future today; but I feel really bad keeping her out, because she will have that much more to make up.  And she...

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Okay, so I have to say.  I took the summer off from Weight Watchers and I haven't’ gone back yet and I’m kind of thankful. Because my daughter is home sick and I don’t have to fret!!  I DO have to rearrange my schedule; but thankfully, I can be here for her and all is...

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Another early morning…

So, 5:30 it is! I know that sometimes your body resets itself. As I started working out regularly again in recent weeks, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. When I was running I would pop out of bed and my shoes would be on within minutes. It was easy to get up. But...

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Faith and sleep deprivation

Up at 5am again with total clarity! No wonder I’m tired all the time. Every problem I have comes FLOODING forward and gets my mind reeling. Sometimes I feel like I’ll never unbury myself. I wonder if there is any hope. The house has termites; the air conditioner...

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Yesterday I hadt the honor of photographing a 50th bday party at the Cliff’s Restaurant in Laguna Beach. Do you know my favorite place in the world? Laguna Beach. Funny enough; in all my years in Orange County, I had never been to the Cliffs Restaurant before. When I...

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You want us to do WHAT???

So a guy walks into a bar……… Just kidding; but that is kind of how I feel like starting this morning, because something weird happened this week.  We got a call from a TV network about our vehicles.  We own Mazda’s and apparently they are doing a show about putting...

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Uncontrolled laughter

Oh my goodness..... I just laughed so hard that my whole lower abdominal area is sore!!!  Have you ever done that? There are too few times that I laugh that hard and can't control myself.  Unfortunately, it usually happens at church.  I'm not proud of this fact; and...

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There’s an App for that!

Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday....... I'm looking for new ideas.  I'm trying to switch it up a bit. My old system of remember stuff isn't working, so this morning I Googled "Time Management". I remember years ago I got a book; "Time Management for Unmanageable...

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Weather and such

I'm sitting here with a blanket on my lap as I write.  What a strong contrast to just a few short days ago where the air was so stagnant and hot I could barely breathe. Last night, instead of the air conditioner; I opened the window for cool air. I don't know why the...

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You think your food choice doesn’t matter?

Okay, so yes; I'm writing a second blog today.  Although, I'm gonna call it my first; because this mornings was more of a movie review.  And as this is MY blog....I can do what I want!!! I noticed something this morning and I had to share.  I worked out with Heidi at...

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Sense of purpose

Have you ever felt pulled to something over and over again?  You try to ignore it, but eventually you are there again??? Last night I was messing around with my dog.  She is a bit of a nut. But one thing she absolutely to 'find' you! If you bury yourself...

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A word about food and health

Yesterday, I wasn't  feeling so hot.  My stomach was hurting and I felt like I needed to go to the dr.  I hate Drs.  They guess at what is going on with you, or put you through tons of tests until they get to the confirmed diagnosis of "not sure". I was talking to my...

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