Did you mean to do that?
Let's face it... we are living in a new time. A time where emotions run high and people are literally outraged on all sides. Some want to call it 'passion', but in my opinion, "passion" doesn't attack another person. So what do you call it? I've been struggling...
I’m an Over Poster….
Today I was talking to my brother and he was unaware that my daughter (his niece) was home from college... indefinitely. I said, "How could you not know? I posted on Facebook"... there was silence...then fumbled words....then a precursor and then the truth.... "I...
Grasping at Straws
It's funny the phases with go through in life. As I'm approaching my fiftieth year on this earth, I find myself reflecting on the phases of my life that I thought would go on forever, but as I look back they flew by in an instant. I can honestly say I have no regrets....
Helicopter Parenting doing its worst
Parenting today is SO different from when I was raised. It's a whole different ballgame and I look at parents of today and think, "I'm sorry".... Times change. It's inevitable. We try to do better than the generations before us. When I was raised, it was perfectly...
We’re all damaged; what’s your poison?
You ever think about life? I mean... REALLY think about it? It kind of sucks sometimes, doesn't it? It's such a mixed bag of, "OMG this is AWESOME" and "OMG HOW DID I GET HERE?"... You know what I mean, don't you? We spend our lives looking for perfection, yet we...
Taking the Easy Way Out
It seems like nowadays, there's an "out" for every instance. The flavor of they day is, "If you aren't happy, make a change".... Well, that's all well and fine. But sometimes the fallout is greater than the quick decision to cut and run. Sure, everyone wants to quit...
The devaluing of the moment
We live in a great time... I think, because of Facebook more people are connected than ever before. We hardly have to leave the house for all the information that is on our computers and phones. Our friends could be countries away, yet their daily events are posted...
Different flavored relationships
I have teens... two of them... Teens are a wild roller coaster ride that sometimes come without restraints. There are times you are literally left flying by the seat of your pants...and at times, it's heart attack inducing.... But at the same time, with the torture,...
Share more learn more…
My husband shakes his head at me...often....for many reasons... but one that he realizes most about me is, I get a LOT of information from people I talk to....even strangers... Now, this is a guy in sales, so he can talk the leg off a duck. He's not shy. But he...
Moments of Failure
Life is a journey indeed... And we have the power to choose our journey... But what I have found...is...it's called a "journey" for a reason... I think if most of us had our way, we would choose the straight path. The one from "decision to accomplishment"....wouldn't...
No idea where this is going
Something is inside me wanting to get out, but not sure what it is just yet. Figured I would sit back and write and see what pops out of my head.... I'm involved with a ton of people. Everyone has different personalities, different triggers and different issues. So...
For SAHM’s with littles at home
I want to take this time for you stay at home mommies with littles at home... I read your FB posts and sometimes it really pulls at my heart strings because with my kids now 15 and 17 and just watching old home movies last night, I'm feeling a little sentimental, and...
Do unto Others
I have had a heavy heart this week...but to be honest, it's probably been going on for a while. Like, my whole life... I see a lot of things going on in the world, both local and worldwide that just makes me sad. I don't think anyone can doubt that this worlds gone...
Uncontrolled Laughter
Oh my goodness..... I just laughed so hard that my whole lower abdominal area is sore!!! Have you ever done that? There are too few times that I laugh that hard and can't control myself. Unfortunately, it usually happens at church. I'm not proud of this fact; and...
New Year New You? What about last year?
Here we are...another year and another crack at making things better than they were before. This years mantra that I have heard more than most, "New year, new YOU!" But what was wrong with the old you? The holidays went fast, but ever year in the last 3 years I...
Today’s the day…
Yep..it happened. Same thing that happens every year. Today is the day... I lower my expectations.... Traffic is ridiculous, crowds are suffocating, lists are dwindling and unfinished...and don't get me started on how my house is NO WHERE NEAR ready for guests,...
Compartmentalizing my Stress
Whoa this past week has been a doozie. I have been hit from every angle with some sort of stress. Some bigger areas than others, but still, with each moment, I felt like a victim on the other side of Muhammed Ali, punched over and over again. I realized just this...
Coming back from the Devastation of Expectation
Another one bites the dust... Another expectation dashed in the face of hope... In all honesty, I have rarely had good results from my expectations. My goal has always been expect nothing and be pleasantly surprised ... When I go to events, I rarely get excited...