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Grasping at Straws

It's funny the phases with go through in life. As I'm approaching my fiftieth year on this earth, I find myself reflecting on the phases of my life that I thought would go on forever, but as I look back they flew by in an instant. I can honestly say I have no regrets....

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Do unto Others

I have had a heavy heart this week...but to be honest, it's probably been going on for a while.  Like, my whole life... I see a lot of things going on in the world, both local and worldwide that just makes me sad.  I don't think anyone can doubt that this worlds gone...

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Uncontrolled Laughter

Oh my goodness..... I just laughed so hard that my whole lower abdominal area is sore!!!  Have you ever done that? There are too few times that I laugh that hard and can't control myself.  Unfortunately, it usually happens at church.  I'm not proud of this fact; and...

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