Thirty one days of Enrichment
Covid 19 statewide quarantine! This is it. It's been called. Thirty one days of "Stay in your home" for all California residents. How do you weigh in? A prison sentence? A challenge? Hell on earth? Or a chance to grow? I will admit; when it was called, I was mixed...
It's only a few days into this requested self quarantine. For those of us with kids, it's hard. For those of us with teens, it's HELL! This is an adjustment for ALL of us. Yet they think the rules don't (or shouldn't) apply to them. And for those of us with...
We’re All in this TOGETHER!
WOW, how often can you look across the world and realize that we are ALL in this together? Worldwide panic has ensued and here we are, quarantined in our homes (for those of us who can actually get there) for the sake of quashing this "Pandemic" that has plagued our...
Beware the beast….
They say the days are long, but the years are short. You know you are "old" when you get that statement. I have been married for 21 years, together for 25 and we have two daughters, 17 and 19. We are blessed. Life is a journey. It's a marathon and not a race, but so...
The illusion of the holidays
Nothing wraps up quicker than the day after New Years.... From Halloween to New Years is always a ride. The holidays, the colder weather, it's all so exciting. And always disappointing... I don't know what it is about the holidays, or who set the expectations, or...
Moments in time
Out of nowhere a memory popped up in my mind. Maybe it's all the Hallmark movies this time of year, but as I was watching a dad/daughter moment, my history came flashing back to me... I grew up in a small area. Went to the city elementary School, middle school and...
Power in the people…
The other day I had my "senior" singing class. In case you aren't up to speed, I accidentally signed up for an emeritus class (55 and older). I'm not quite there, but close enough, I guess. I have come to really appreciate every single soul in this class. And the...
Age is truly a number
SOOOOOO... I have no idea where this is going to go, but something hit me today and as I write, I'm trying to figure out how to formulate my thought process.... If you don't know me, I'm a married woman with two kids, 17 and 19 yrs of age. As I look back at the...
The problem with Over Parenting
Before I start my rant, I am going to say, I'm not here to profess I am a perfect parent, or that I have perfect kids. I can't imagine any one person who has actually gotten this parenting thing right in the history of time.... That said, I see issues arising from...
What’s to fear?
Recently, I have posted, what some would consider "vulnerable" posts. Baring my soul, if you will. I have no issue with the posts I make. I have no problem sharing who I am, or what I have been through. Many people have told me that I am brave. And I can't lie......
The Dance of Anxiety
Hi, my name is Cathy...and I suffer from Anxiety ... on the daily... When I was younger, I never knew what anxiety was, and when I first heard of it, I scoffed it off as ridiculous "diagnosis". I did that while I was suffering, only I didn't know the name. I had my...
What is “Perfect”?
Today, I was inspired... Today I was saddened... I was reminded how cruel kids could be as I took pictures of one of my favorite kids. She heard hurtful words. Teen years are SO CRUEL. If I had one Goal in life, it would be to combat the horrors of teen life......
Keeping it going after 20 years
In January, hubs and I celebrated 20 years of marriage (together 23). Twenty years is a bit of a milestone, and usually, the very wordy "me" would write something. But I didn't so much as post it on Facebook. I was going to...but the words didn't really come...
You get out what you put in
My head has been reeling with my daughter in her senior year of high school. I have one that has already graduated, so Granted my kids will be home, but it's the end of an era...and it hurts .... Nineteen years ago, I gave up corporate life...
Parenting Styles
I never really thought about how I would parent a child when I was little. Actually never thought I would be fortunate enough to have kids. But then again, if my life had turned out what I thought I would never get, I would have nothing that I have now. Definitely...
Fathers Day to be or not to be…
I'm sitting at my desk crying despite my efforts to stop. I don't know why it's hitting me harder this year, but it is... It's been 19 years since my dad passed and I'm sitting here, hating today. These stupid Hallmark holidays... I know they are intended to be...
Childhood Flashbacks
I don't know why, but I was sitting here tonight, reading something on Facebook in a parenting group about a defiant teenager with a cavalier attitude and I totally flashed back to my childhood... When you are a teen, you NEVER think you will end up like your...
The story behind the story
Judge not, lest ye be judged. That is how I was raised. But who lives by that? I mean seriously....Okay, I'll be honest, I DO try...SO HARD....but sometimes it's just too hard not to. That said, I told you that so I could tell you this... I'm taking a sewing class....