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Every child shines in their own way…

I was in my kitchen tonight, glancing at the pictures of both my girls that I have pinned up from over the years.. As I start writing this, I feel like I could write a book on this subject alone, but will do my best to keep it local to my two girls... Children...

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I just want you all to know how my brain works.

I don't need any pity...just take a ride with me...The other day I posted my anniversary...21 whole years married to the same guy....only it's actually 22....and it only took me a few days to realize it... I'm pretty sure my brain tried to wipe out 2020. I'm gonna...

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Here is how I am choosing to appreciate 2021 …

Today was mostly a quiet day, my back is tweaked, I did some editing and I took a short walk and did the dishes while Chris decided to grab fixings for dinner since he has a new cooking toy... (a Teppan table that fits on the BBQ outside.) He asked if anyone will be...

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Binge Watching

I spent the whole day on my couch binge-watching the Queen's Gambit!! I haven’t spent a day like this in a LONG time and usually only when sick (which I am not) and forced to stay down ... Chess brings up memories of my dad, even though I have never played ... WOW -...

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Today was full of fun surprises!!

I got some Sparkling Apple Cider with a note that said, "Ho Ho Holy Sh*t what a year" (still giggling), A tub of assorted cookies from the cutest little Disney dancer, Sugar cookies delivered by my favorite Casanal gals, And surprise Savory treats from a dear friend...

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Mom of two grown ass girls and married to a short guy who is funny and cooks really well! I’m a photographer by trade, so you can say I’m a bit “peopley”. My favorite sessions are the one on ones where I just get to chat and find out about my clients. I’m blessed with what I get to do every day! Blessed by the support of my husband and kids, and blessed by the ongoing support and encouragement of my friends who are always lifting me up.


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