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Fun fact… as I saw this picture,

Fun fact… as I saw this picture, memories came flooding back and not in a good way… more of a “this is what my mother had to deal with having me as a child”sort of way…..   In this image you see my mom likely in her late thirties...

Yesterday was a day …

Yesterday was a day … we all headed over to mom‘s house and plowed through her garage emptying probably 50+ years worth of stuff. Found old pictures, old letters…   Nana was a sassy lady. A letter that she wrote to my dad (in 1961) was basically telling him that he...

The WEEGIES are here!!!!

The WEEGIES are here!!!! Sven O. Lode and Anne Christine Lode Flew in today to join Mo and Emma We had a lovely visit tonight and enjoyed some fire time with Julie in tow!!  It’s sometimes sad what brings us together – but the relationships are strong and...