I’m going down the list of things my kids keep stealing from me ….
my Christmas list is complete! Anyone else? No ... just me??? Mmmkaayyyy
Give from what you have.
You know, I was watching someone speak online tonight that I found fascinating and full of wisdom. They were 51...my age... I remember seeing my parents at my age thinking they were so amazing and so smart - so OLD.... (and they were on some levels, lol), but now that...
Don’t underestimate the impact of your words on another.
So, I was in my office going through some stuff and pulled out a few old photo albums to share with Aspen (Avery was gone). It was fun going through old pictures. A while back, while purging my office to make room for Aspen's bed, I ran across a ton of old letters...
Well, it's here. At least in our part of the country, schools have started. First day pictures have flooded facebook pages and as a photographer I can honestly say, I see it in the faces of all the kids... THIS SUCKS!!! My daughter was a Class of 2020 "graduate". I...
Dear Class of 2021 (from a Class of 2020 mom)
It's here. The day you have waited for...The first of the lasts...the big ones one campus, so much to look forward to, it's senior year... THIS IS IT!!! ....but at the same time... it's NOT! What the hell happened? This isn't what you signed up for! This isn't what...
The Beauty of Getting Away
We are in what feels like the forever middle of a Pandemic. If you have anything related to internet or a TV, you can't get through the day without hearing "Covid-19" or "Coronavirus"... It's literally insane. I keep telling myself we are literally in the middle of...

Mom of two grown ass girls and married to a short guy who is funny and cooks really well! I’m a photographer by trade, so you can say I’m a bit “peopley”. My favorite sessions are the one on ones where I just get to chat and find out about my clients. I’m blessed with what I get to do every day! Blessed by the support of my husband and kids, and blessed by the ongoing support and encouragement of my friends who are always lifting me up.