Coming back from the Devastation of Expectation
Another one bites the dust... Another expectation dashed in the face of hope... In all honesty, I have rarely had good results from my expectations. My goal has always been expect nothing and be pleasantly surprised ... When I go to events, I rarely get excited...
Relationships in perspective
Ohhhhh relationships are hard.... Life is such a journey sometimes it's hard to get perspective. Every relationship has it's proper balance whether it's Parent, Child, Sibling, Friend, Spouse... they all have a recipe that is built for success.. or death.... Have you...
Every so often, I am reminded that THIS MOMENT is all we have. We are blessed to get to choose our paths and I admit that lately..I have wasted a lot due to indecision. It's hard watching your kids get older. It's hard seeing they have a different desire than you....
I’m sorry, WHAT?
There are times I look back on my life and remember my childhood. Sometimes, now that I'm raising kids, I reflect back more often. There are moments that throw me back more than others... As part of many mom groups (whether Facebook or school related), I hear many...
Thirty one days of writing.. Day one
I'm embarking on a journey... Something to spark my creative mind, forced at the hand of someone other than me. I joined a writing group so to speak... It's an online challenge. Read it or not, this isn't for you, it's for me.... I need this. I feel... "flat"...
To parents of babies and littles…
As a mom, I'm part of mom pages on FB. Moms will post about everything from triumphs, to frustrations, to PSA's to recommendations. But sometimes they ask these groups for advice and I find myself scratching my head.... Not that they are asking for advice...but that...

Mom of two grown ass girls and married to a short guy who is funny and cooks really well! I’m a photographer by trade, so you can say I’m a bit “peopley”. My favorite sessions are the one on ones where I just get to chat and find out about my clients. I’m blessed with what I get to do every day! Blessed by the support of my husband and kids, and blessed by the ongoing support and encouragement of my friends who are always lifting me up.