by catsdailytangent | May 15, 2019 | Family, Me
I don’t know why, but I was sitting here tonight, reading something on Facebook in a parenting group about a defiant teenager with a cavalier attitude and I totally flashed back to my childhood… When you are a teen, you NEVER think you will end up like...
by catsdailytangent | Apr 1, 2019 | Faith, Family, Friends, Goals, Let Go Let God, Me, Stress
Let’s face it… we are living in a new time. A time where emotions run high and people are literally outraged on all sides. Some want to call it ‘passion’, but in my opinion, “passion” doesn’t attack another person. So what...
by catsdailytangent | Mar 8, 2019 | Family, Friends, Goals, Me, Parenting, Photography, Pushing My Bounderies, Random Stuff, Stress, Time Management
Today I was talking to my brother and he was unaware that my daughter (his niece) was home from college… indefinitely. I said, “How could you not know? I posted on Facebook”… there was silence…then fumbled words….then a precursor...
by catsdailytangent | Feb 19, 2019 | Faith, Family, Friends, Goals, Let Go Let God, Me, Parenting, Parents of babies, Photography, Pushing My Bounderies, Random Stuff, SAHM, Stress, Time for myself, Time Management, Travel
It’s funny the phases with go through in life. As I’m approaching my fiftieth year on this earth, I find myself reflecting on the phases of my life that I thought would go on forever, but as I look back they flew by in an instant. I can honestly say I have...
by catsdailytangent | Jul 18, 2018 | Faith, Family, Friends, Goals, Let Go Let God, Me, Stress, Time for myself, Time Management, Uncategorized
You ever think about life? I mean… REALLY think about it? It kind of sucks sometimes, doesn’t it? It’s such a mixed bag of, “OMG this is AWESOME” and “OMG HOW DID I GET HERE?”… You know what I mean, don’t you?...
by catsdailytangent | Jun 11, 2018 | Faith, Family, Friends, Let Go Let God, Me, Parenting, SAHM, Stress, Time for myself
It seems like nowadays, there’s an “out” for every instance. The flavor of they day is, “If you aren’t happy, make a change”…. Well, that’s all well and fine. But sometimes the fallout is greater than the quick decision...