by catsdailytangent | Apr 14, 2017 | Connecting, Faith, Family, Friends, Let Go Let God, Me, Parenting, Parents of babies, Time Management
I hate when my kids cry. I hate when they hurt. I feel like a failure when I can’t save them from their pain. Tonight, my daughter came home crying that she didn’t achieve what she aimed for. She fell shorter than she expected. To see her pain ripped...
by catsdailytangent | Oct 26, 2016 | Faith, Family, Friends, Parenting, Pushing My Bounderies, Uncategorized
I’m officially fed up! I just read that someone decided to take a sledgehammer and pick ax to Donald Trumps star on the walk of fame….. I’m disgusted on so many levels, I don’t know where to start. And before you get up in arms with your...
by catsdailytangent | Jul 28, 2016 | Faith, Family, Friends, Me, Parenting, Pushing My Bounderies, Time for myself, Time Management, Uncategorized
Ever spend time wishing things were different? IF ONLY….. How many times have you said this in your life while rushing kids to their sports or sitting in traffic from your job that you hate, or waited at the Dr. office wondering why that guy who JUST WALKED IN...
by catsdailytangent | Jun 29, 2016 | Faith, Family, Friends, Parenting, Uncategorized
I’m sitting here staring at my screen, wanting to write, but I have no real words…. All I know is my heart hurts and at the end of the day I will still make the same decision I made when I woke up. It’s amazing how we can let the white noise around...
by Tamara Powers | Sep 24, 2012 | Faith
Up at 5am again with total clarity! No wonder I’m tired all the time. Every problem I have comes FLOODING forward and gets my mind reeling. Sometimes I feel like I’ll never unbury myself. I wonder if there is any hope. The house has termites; the air conditioner...
by Tamara Powers | Sep 11, 2012 | Faith
Have you ever felt pulled to something over and over again? You try to ignore it, but eventually you are there again??? Last night I was messing around with my dog. She is a bit of a nut. But one thing she absolutely LOVES….is to ‘find’ you! If you...