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Uncontrolled laughter

Oh my goodness..... I just laughed so hard that my whole lower abdominal area is sore!!!  Have you ever done that? There are too few times that I laugh that hard and can't control myself.  Unfortunately, it usually happens at church.  I'm not proud of this fact; and...

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There’s an App for that!

Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday....... I'm looking for new ideas.  I'm trying to switch it up a bit. My old system of remember stuff isn't working, so this morning I Googled "Time Management". I remember years ago I got a book; "Time Management for Unmanageable...

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Weather and such

I'm sitting here with a blanket on my lap as I write.  What a strong contrast to just a few short days ago where the air was so stagnant and hot I could barely breathe. Last night, instead of the air conditioner; I opened the window for cool air. I don't know why the...

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You think your food choice doesn’t matter?

Okay, so yes; I'm writing a second blog today.  Although, I'm gonna call it my first; because this mornings was more of a movie review.  And as this is MY blog....I can do what I want!!! I noticed something this morning and I had to share.  I worked out with Heidi at...

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Sense of purpose

Have you ever felt pulled to something over and over again?  You try to ignore it, but eventually you are there again??? Last night I was messing around with my dog.  She is a bit of a nut. But one thing she absolutely to 'find' you! If you bury yourself...

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A word about food and health

Yesterday, I wasn't  feeling so hot.  My stomach was hurting and I felt like I needed to go to the dr.  I hate Drs.  They guess at what is going on with you, or put you through tons of tests until they get to the confirmed diagnosis of "not sure". I was talking to my...

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Mom of two grown ass girls and married to a short guy who is funny and cooks really well! I’m a photographer by trade, so you can say I’m a bit “peopley”. My favorite sessions are the one on ones where I just get to chat and find out about my clients. I’m blessed with what I get to do every day! Blessed by the support of my husband and kids, and blessed by the ongoing support and encouragement of my friends who are always lifting me up.


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