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Decisions decisions…..

Another morning with chicken soup for breakfast.  We are definitely on the mend, but I would put her at 70% and no more.  I’m not sure school is in her future today; but I feel really bad keeping her out, because she will have that much more to make up.  And she...

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Okay, so I have to say.  I took the summer off from Weight Watchers and I haven't’ gone back yet and I’m kind of thankful. Because my daughter is home sick and I don’t have to fret!!  I DO have to rearrange my schedule; but thankfully, I can be here for her and all is...

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Another early morning…

So, 5:30 it is! I know that sometimes your body resets itself. As I started working out regularly again in recent weeks, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. When I was running I would pop out of bed and my shoes would be on within minutes. It was easy to get up. But...

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Faith and sleep deprivation

Up at 5am again with total clarity! No wonder I’m tired all the time. Every problem I have comes FLOODING forward and gets my mind reeling. Sometimes I feel like I’ll never unbury myself. I wonder if there is any hope. The house has termites; the air conditioner...

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Yesterday I hadt the honor of photographing a 50th bday party at the Cliff’s Restaurant in Laguna Beach. Do you know my favorite place in the world? Laguna Beach. Funny enough; in all my years in Orange County, I had never been to the Cliffs Restaurant before. When I...

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You want us to do WHAT???

So a guy walks into a bar……… Just kidding; but that is kind of how I feel like starting this morning, because something weird happened this week.  We got a call from a TV network about our vehicles.  We own Mazda’s and apparently they are doing a show about putting...

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Mom of two grown ass girls and married to a short guy who is funny and cooks really well! I’m a photographer by trade, so you can say I’m a bit “peopley”. My favorite sessions are the one on ones where I just get to chat and find out about my clients. I’m blessed with what I get to do every day! Blessed by the support of my husband and kids, and blessed by the ongoing support and encouragement of my friends who are always lifting me up.


11 + 8 =