by catsdailytangent | Aug 8, 2017 | Me, Stress, Time for myself, Time Management
Omg… Sometimes we just need to be reminded…. Today was SOOOO stressful…. Water heater tanked Friday and it took 3 days for someone to come out and tell us it needs replaced… (Uhhh DUHHHHH).. The sound of it vibrating my house, issuing it to...
by catsdailytangent | Aug 7, 2017 | Pushing My Bounderies, Random Stuff, Stress, Time for myself
It starts at an early age… manipulation … It would seem we are born with the ability and learn to master it more and more over the course of our lives! As a parent of two teenagers, I have watched the progression grow from the earliest of ages when my...
by catsdailytangent | Jul 23, 2017 | Let Go Let God, Parenting, Parents of babies, Stress, Time for myself, Time Management
I’m pretty sure I would never revisit my teenage years. I mean…how many of us would? In my opinion, they are the worst of times (ok…maybe with some highlights, but not enough to pull me back). The early teenage years are written like a bad novel...
by catsdailytangent | May 18, 2017 | Family, Parenting, Random Stuff, Time for myself
I have a dream life. Not gonna lie. Is it perfect? NO. But do I recognize I’m blessed on many levels… Yes.. I was watching Moana (Disney animated film) and I cry every time. EVERY.TIME…. My kids wonder why I can’t dial it down, but as I...
by catsdailytangent | May 14, 2017 | Connecting, Faith, Parenting, Random Stuff, Time for myself
MOM…. One word… three letters…. infinite meaning…. I’m gonna say it… I took my mom for granted. I was a kid. A kid who had a mom.…. I didn’t know any different. She was just...
by catsdailytangent | Apr 1, 2017 | Goals, Me, Time for myself, Time Management, Travel
Today was an amazing day. That says a lot, because I haven’t had a lot of great days in recent months. I have been struggling a bit with my kids getting older and their need for me is becoming less and less. I still have things that can fill my day, but there...