by catsdailytangent | Apr 1, 2017 | Goals, Me, Time for myself, Time Management, Travel
Today was an amazing day. That says a lot, because I haven’t had a lot of great days in recent months. I have been struggling a bit with my kids getting older and their need for me is becoming less and less. I still have things that can fill my day, but there...
by catsdailytangent | Mar 17, 2017 | Family, Me, Parenting, Parents of babies
Dear current day parents. I challenge you. Now that you have children, and you see how hard parenting is, I beg you, to write a letter to your parents. THIS…is the day they waited for. I will go first. Dear Mom and Dad. THANK YOU. I had NO idea how hard...
by catsdailytangent | Mar 15, 2017 | Food, Friends, Goals, Me, Parenting
I am a mom of teens. I wish I had a mom of teens back when my kids started school, so they could shake the self righteousness out of me, so I would leave the elementary school principal alone to deal with more pressing issues. Just so you know, I was born in the...
by catsdailytangent | Jul 28, 2016 | Faith, Family, Friends, Me, Parenting, Pushing My Bounderies, Time for myself, Time Management, Uncategorized
Ever spend time wishing things were different? IF ONLY….. How many times have you said this in your life while rushing kids to their sports or sitting in traffic from your job that you hate, or waited at the Dr. office wondering why that guy who JUST WALKED IN...
by catsdailytangent | Jun 20, 2016 | Family, Friends, Me, Parenting, Time for myself, Uncategorized
It’s amazing how life never slows down. I remember when I was pregnant OH SO MANY YEARS AGO, and I thought, I can’t wait to meet my baby and be home with her. It will be GREAT!!! And it was…only it was a LOT harder than I anticipated! Mothers all...
by catsdailytangent | Oct 9, 2012 | Me
I woke up to computer hell this morning. What are the odds that BOTH my computers will be belly up and unable to use. I am in a state of major panic right now as I have tons of work to do. I am resigned to my Icrap to get my blog written and then my hands will be tied...