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We live in such a judgmental society today.  Everyone has something to say about EVERYTHING!!  Everyone has an opinion and everyone else wants to judge any opinion that’s spoken or any decision that’s made.

I have seen more ugly in recent times (and not just political) than I care to discuss at this point…..

Here is the bottom line people….and I want you to take notes and jot this down and remember it….

Are you ready???

Here it comes……..

People will do or say whatever they want because it’s how they feel…PERIOD!!!!

So to stress yourself out and impress your thoughts or feelings on them is as good as banging your head against a wall and walking away with a concussion….


This isn’t just common sense…THIS IS LIFE!!

I talk to a LOT of people, day in and day out.  I hear what people say and I listen as open mindedly as I can.  Sometimes I don’t agree, but it’s not for me to agree with their choices

I simply do my best to RESPECT that they have an opinion that varies from MINE.


And the truth is, I DON’T CARE how anyone else feels.  It’s NOT my business to care, because how THEY feel doesn’t really affect me!  And they can talk until the COWS COME HOME to try to change how I feel, but I don’t WANT to feel how they feel!  Because I’m NOT them!!!

A lot of pain comes from people resisting the fact that their point of view isn’t the end all be all of the rest of humanity.

Can you imagine a world where we all agreed??  OMG, how boring would that be?  What would we DO with ourselves?  There would be NO ONE TO COMPLAIN TO because we’d all just AGREE with each other!

Holy shit balls, where do we go from HERE???  (Pardon my french, but it just seemed to fit…..)

I’m so thankful that I don’t take on the burden of other peoples thoughts and opinions.  And for the record, I am not devoid of opinions or thoughts.  If you get me on a good day, I’ll bend your ear and it won’t be straight again.  But honestly, I just don’t see the point.  Because when you come across someone with a strong opinion, not only will they not agree with you, they really won’t even listen to what you are saying or doing.  OR…they will be working extra hard to make you feel like an IDIOT for having an opinion that varies from theirs!!  Ever been there??  YOU know what I’m talking about!!  We’ve all encountered them!!  They will only have THEIR ideals in mind and discard the rest and judge you like crazy.  It’s absolute lunacy…..

This past year, I’ve had to make some tough decisions. And so have many others.  It’s probably been the roughest emotional year of decision making that I have seen (not just for myself but for many friends).

There is an ugly side to making choices.  And I have seen and witnessed the fallout.  And I’m here to tell you that people are crazy!!!

I have been judged by others that assume I have judged them.  And the truth is, I really am as compassionate as I can be when it comes to making the hard choices in life.

My mom always says, “Sweeten your words with sugar, because you may have to eat them some day”.  And I have… too many times.

Thankfully with my older and wiser state, I can see a bigger picture which I appreciate.

It isn’t about you, people….  If someone makes a decision for themselves, their family or their job….just know, that decision did NOT come lightly.

Please exercise a bit of tolerance in this area.

I have been treated “Guilty by association” more times than I can count.  And I’m totally over it.  If someone wants to judge me, because I support someone who made a tough decision that’s okay.  We show people who we are by our actions.

But I want you to know that I don’t care what choice you make.  I will do my best to understand where you come from and know that you had to work hard for that decision.

It’s so easy to judge.  It’s not so easy to practice tolerance and compassion and understanding.

I speak on this topic as a Mother, a friend, a coworker and a human being.

Judge not lest ye be judged…..

We are all the same.  We live life, and we do the best we can.  Unless someone has given you good solid reason to lash out, I ask you to step back and think about how perfect you are.

Most people don’t operate from malice.  Most people are just human trying to get by.

Please do your best to practice tolerance patience and most of all….COMPASSION.  And please talk to your kids on this topic as it trickles from the top……

I have held my tongue for too long, and this post is much nicer than I expected it would be.  If you know me personally, then you know what I’m capable of…

Please and Thank you

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