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I woke up to computer hell this morning. What are the odds that BOTH my computers will be belly up and unable to use. I am in a state of major panic right now as I have tons of work to do.
I am resigned to my Icrap to get my blog written and then my hands will be tied until jake (aka computer GOD) can help me.

I must work on a better relationship with him. Calling him every time my life falls apart doesn’t make healthy balance.

But there is seriously no one better than him.
He has already texted me and told me to back away from the computers. They need major attention. HOW can this happen to two computers in ONE night??? I don’t get it???

The bad news is, I cannot get work done food a while. The GOOD news is, I have plenty of other stuff that needs attention so this is a forced redirect. I can only call this a blessing in disguise. Every morning I wake up and go over the list of “to dos” and I stress about which I will have to take off. It it looks like today the hall way light fan will get new lights so we can illuminate the hallway. And the toilets might actually get cleaned……

You see where I am going with this?

Though my day isn’t starting out on the right foot, I am thankful that I have my support system next door to me to save my day.

God willing, it IS fixable

I just pray that karma bites the people in the arse who created these viruses. How sad is a life that is created whose sole focus is to cause misery to others.

What a truly sad existence.

I’d rather be me.

Happy Tuesday

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