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How do YOU treat others?

I kind of lost it today in a moments notice.  I snapped.……. Whether or not it was deserved, I’m not at liberty to say, but I think it came on the heels of many little things that led up to this moment. I’ve been “of less...

Christmas Craziness – Make it stop

Hubs just left to take the kids Black Friday Shopping. It’s after 10am, so I’m curious if anything is left on the shelves for consumers to buy. I mean, if you don’t get there at 5am you don’t stand a chance….or um….3am…no...

Implied love vs. spoken love

I think I’m a bit of a hard core person. I “love” people and I say “Love you” a lot, but tonight I realized something about myself that I kind of knew…but didn’t really “know”. In August, I acquired my nephew for...

3 am and squiggly lines

Every time I wake up in the middle of the night…or just earlier than expected… I’m frought with worry and my brain stumbles around with all my inadequacies….  I feel like I completely mismanage my time and therefore my house looks like crap and...

Negating someones pain

Today was a horrible day.  From the second I woke up, everything went wrong.  One thing built upon the next and before I knew it, I realized I have had the worst day than I have had in recent history. With each thing that happened, the pressure in my head grew more...

Silent inspiration

Have you ever watched someone over a period of time and find that there is something about them that intrigues you? People fascinate me! We are all just trying to get through this thing called life, and sometimes it’s really hard!  Sometimes it’s all we...