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Today was an interesting and awesome day. In a normal day, I talk to various people.  Some clients, some friends, some family. It wasn’t always like this.  As a kid, I was kind of a misfit.  I pigeon holed myself to a few friends.  They were EVERYTHING to me....

What I’ve learned

This is such an emotional time of year.  A time of reflection, a time of transition.  Even if only from one school year to the next, it’s a time fraught with reconciliation and decision.  It’s hard not to feel the pressure of what’s to come.  We all...

Crazy Lazy….

Have you ever thought about what a crazy lazy society we are anymore?  We don’t have to do ANYTHING for ourselves anymore including taking blame for our actions.  I mean it takes a bit of effort to point the finger, but that doesn’t seem to be an...