by catsdailytangent | Feb 19, 2021 | Connecting, Covid-19, Let Go Let God, Me, Parenting
With all that is going on in the world, I can’t tell you how many people are disappointed in life. Not just their life, but life in general. I get it, and I feel it. With political divide growing, a never ending pandemic, crazy weather in Texas that has never...
by catsdailytangent | Feb 11, 2021 | Connecting, Faith, Friends, Pushing My Bounderies, Random Stuff
I’m so disturbed… I was just on a page where an unsuspecting woman was asking advice of where to live on a budget in our area (Southern California, near the beach). True, her budget was WAY smaller than our area dictates, but the barrage of negativity...
by catsdailytangent | Jul 21, 2020 | Connecting
We are in what feels like the forever middle of a Pandemic. If you have anything related to internet or a TV, you can’t get through the day without hearing “Covid-19” or “Coronavirus”… It’s literally insane. I keep telling...
by catsdailytangent | Dec 18, 2019 | Connecting, Family
Nothing wraps up quicker than the day after New Years…. From Halloween to New Years is always a ride. The holidays, the colder weather, it’s all so exciting. And always disappointing… I don’t know what it is about the holidays, or who set the...
by catsdailytangent | Aug 21, 2019 | Connecting, Faith, Family, Friends, Goals, Let Go Let God, Parenting, Parents of babies
My head has been reeling with my daughter in her senior year of high school. I have one that has already graduated, so…. Granted my kids will be home, but it’s the end of an era…and it hurts …. Nineteen years ago, I gave...
by catsdailytangent | Oct 30, 2018 | Connecting, Faith, Family, Let Go Let God, Parenting, Parents of babies
Parenting today is SO different from when I was raised. It’s a whole different ballgame and I look at parents of today and think, “I’m sorry”…. Times change. It’s inevitable. We try to do better than the generations before us....