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It’s funny, I went from blogging every day to darned near CRICKETS! Truth is, I always have SOMETHING to write about because my mind is always reeling. AND, I have started a few blog posts, only to realize it’s not in my best interest to post them as they were more “venting” than productive. Sometimes you gotta know when to draw the line.

My life has been CONSUMED by two girls who have busy schedules. The miles on my car a racking up faster than I can say BOO! It’s almost suffocating at times.

My recent issues have been wondering “what’s enough” and “What’s best”.

We live in a society of More more more. Quick gratification, give it to me now, I’ll work it off later!

But as my momma always said when I was growing up, “Eaten bread is soon forgotten”. And she is right!!!

My kids are so busy looking at what everyone else has and wanting it for themselves that they aren’t really thinking about WHY they want it?

And I realize that THIS….is the circle of life!

Just today I was talking to a friend who felt my pain and reflected back on our own childhoods. In our days it was “Ditto’s” and Chemin de Fers and Jordache Jeans, and hold me back… SERGIO VALENTE’s!!!

Now as a parent I can see why my parents just stared at me with furrowed brows and confusion on their faces. We were certainly not of THEIR generation, when a new pair of shoes, a mere necessity in life, was a coveted gift! When curtain rods were used to ski down streets; and trash can lids (made of metal) made perfect toboggans down a city road.

I think we lose something every generation. We want to give our kids that which we didn’t have. But the problem is, who cares WHAT they have if they can’t appreciate or earn it?

It’s really hard today to tell kids “NO”. But we do have to remember that it’s IMPORTANT TO WANT something enough that they have to make the decision for themselves to earn it!

Just recently my daughter earned “almost” enough to get two items that she really wanted. And without thinking, I realized that she was “close enough” so I covered the difference without telling her. I realize now I made a HUGE mistake. Because she got both items and one is less than as spectacular as she’d hoped. So now she lives with something a little disappointed. And it PAINS me. Because even I don’t own something so nice.

If I fit into it, man I’d be wearing it myself! Sadly, it wouldn’t fit my right thigh, so I have to watch her stare at it with disdain.

Truth is, it’s not her fault. It’s mine! As her parent, I need to teach her to appreciate and earn. But as I feel over worked and under appreciated, I’m just too tired.

Sadly, as I realize my error, I’m wondering if there is time to fix it. Just today I cleaned out their bathroom. THEIR bathroom. They have a bathroom to themselves. MY bathroom isn’t even cleaned out at this point and I cleaned out theirs!

I must stop and rethink my ‘fatigue’. Because my goal as a parent is to make sure my children are contributing members of society. And at this point, I think they will be want for much if I don’t change my ways.

I’m their parent not their friend. This must be my new mantra.

I’ve missed you all.

Happy Thursday!

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