So, 5:30 it is!
I know that sometimes your body resets itself. As I started working out regularly again in recent weeks, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
When I was running I would pop out of bed and my shoes would be on within minutes. It was easy to get up. But with age comes a harder time getting up, so I guess I’m surprised I would want to be up so early.
The question is; what to do so early in the morning? Chris doesn’t get up for another half hour and I’m left staring at the ceiling wishing I would go back to sleep.
Have you ever tried to go back to sleep for just and hour or even 30 minutes? Totally doesn’t work!! All that happens is you get groggy and feel like you didn’t sleep enough.
I have a friend who drops her kids at school and then goes back to bed. Ughhhh……I wish!!!
This morning as I lay in bed, I started freaking out a little bit (as I always do) and I actually stopped myself and started thinking on a smaller scale.
I think when I get overwhelmed the most; I lump EVERYTHING together. And at that point it all becomes overwhelming and impossible to overcome.
But as I started chipping away at the ‘overwhelming’, I started accomplishing (well, in my mind anyways) little tasks that helped make me feel better.
And as I got out of bed, I have a plan to get those few tasks out of the way.
It’s so funny as I grow older, I see the patterns of my mother. I’m becoming her on some levels!! Her famous, “I’ll get to it later” is weaved all through my life!!
It’s very frustrating, because I don’t want to be like that, yet here I am.
There are so many times I see traits from my parents that have become who I am. You live what you know.
When I tell my kids to “do as I say, not as I do” I know they will do as they see ME doing no matter WHAT I tell them; because it’s human nature. And sometimes I get really bummed about that!!!
A few weeks ago, we did their room. I’m happy to say that the room has maintained it’s cleanliness. A huge feat so far. It (and the garage) are the cleanest rooms in the whole house.
But I will take that as a victory. I have been on them to pick up their stuff. And because we got rid of a lot of “Unnecessary”, they have a place to put everything. It was one of those overwhelming tasks that got chunked down to ‘manageable’ levels!!
So, though 5:30 may be my new time, I may just have to deal with it. This morning proved to be fruitful. We’ll see what happens in upcoming weeks!
Happy Tuesday