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Life is a mixed ball of… well…. you know….

It’s a constant barrage of ups and downs…. blows to the ego, blows to the soul…

Some days are better than others…. No one gets out alive…. But the question is this….

How do you get past the lows in your life?

I have the wonderful gift of watching people.  I see the hands they are dealt….and I see how they react.

There are people who live and die by the battlewounds they have been delivered.  And there are those who take their scars, call them a badge of honor….and move on… ready for the next bomb that life throws them.

Those people fascinate me and I want to become more like them!

We can choose our destiny to some extent.

We can be the victor of our enemies… Or the victim that all has befallen us.


Many years ago, I read a book that reverberated in my soul….  The beginning sentence was, “People either blame OUT…or blame IN!”  Meaning….. something is NEVER their fault…or it’s ALWAYS their fault!

This was an interesting read and made me stand back just a little further to see how people really cope.

And I dare say… Dr. David Viscott was correct!!!  Smart little fella…PH.D. or DR. whatever he was….

People either own their shit, or cast it out to someone else!

The truth is this… I shall break it down for you all…

THERE IS NO PERFECT LIFE!!!  Those who say they come from a “Disfunctional Family”…. ARE NORMAL!!!


Life is about overcoming our scars.  We all have them.  If you are ‘frail’ you have a lot more than the rest.  But if you are hardy… then you are more prepared to recover and move on!

We have a choice, EVERY DAY OF OUR LIVES… to get up and be a VICTIM….or a VICTOR!!! And I dare say, there is a freedom of choice that some refuse to accept.

I have told this story before, and I’m going to tell it again….

One day the hubs came down the stairs.  As he came down, he wasn’t paying attention and tripped over some shoes I had left there.

He was mad and proceeded to yell at me for leaving my shoes there.

I can’t disagree that if my shoes weren’t there, he wouldn’t have tripped.

HOWEVER…. The shoes were there a couple of days.  So when he decided to trip over them and BLAME ME… was when I called his bluff……

As he wanted to blame me, I couldn’t help but think of the MANY piles he had walked over in times past, because truth be told… I leave shit out ALL THE TIME…..

So instead of feeling bad, and treat him as a victim…I called him on it and told him if he had only looked down as he was walking, he could have lifted his feet and proceeded forward, without incident….

Needless to say…we agreed to disagree….

My point is this…. Life happens.  NONE of us have control.  In the wake of all this, we simply have a few choices…

Look around and see who we can blame for our dissatisfaction … OR… take stock in ourselves and see how we could have made it all better!

Sometimes life is better with the attitude we choose to assign it!

Life is short.  Don’t give your power away to everyone else… take stock in who you are, grow from your interactions and be proud of your choices!

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